
The universe nature book

lessons on life -Over the earth history, this universe has been a perfect lesson book for all to see, learn from it and even understand. Below are some of the lessons; FIERCELY GUARD YOUR TIME . Time is one of the only things in life that you can never get back. It's precious AF. Don't allow anything on your calendar and to take up your time that isn't a "Hell Yes." If you don't make decisions for your own time, others will make it for you. Don't let them. PAY ATTENTION TO WHO SUPPORTS VS. ABANDONS YOU WHEN THE CHIPS ARE DOWN. It's easy to support people when everything is going well. The real friends will support you when the shit hits the fan.  There’s oh-so-much rejection in the performing arts. We see “no” all the time. Who will stick by you when you get a lot o’ nos in a row? Notice, cherish, support, and celebrate the hell out of them. Send everyone else to the outer circles of friendship. DROP PEOPLE WHO MAKE YOU FEEL WORSE AFTER INTERACTI

Do you know my Jesus?

  Have you a heart that’s weary💔 tending a load of care Are you a soul that’s seeking Rest from the burden you bear? Where is your heart, O pilgrim, what does your light reveal🙌 Who hears your call for comfort when naught but sorrow you feel? Who knows your disappointments, who hears each time you cry; Who understands your heartaches, who dry the tears from your eyes? Do you know, do you know, my Jesus👍 do you know, do you know my friend💪 Have you heard, have you heard He loves you, and that He will abide till the end? Till the end😌  

Do you know my Jesus?

  Have you a heart that's weary , Tending a load of care ; Are yo u a soul that's seeking Rest from the burden you bear?🙏